FPT Telecom and its impressive technology products

FPT Telecom and its impressive technology products

(VOVWORLD) - FPT Telecom is one of 10 outstanding digital technology enterprises in Vietnam. In April five of its technology products were voted as “Excellent solutions from Vietnam’s software and IT industry” at the...
PM suggests Vietnam, US create cooperation breakthroughs

PM suggests Vietnam, US create cooperation breakthroughs

(VOVWORLD) - Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh suggested Vietnam and the US create breakthroughs in cooperation in science-technology, innovation, and education-training at a meeting with US Trade Representative Katherine Tai...
Wednesday September 6, 2023

Wednesday September 6, 2023

(VOVWORLD) - We just had a 4-day holiday for Vietnam’s National Day on September 2nd. Coming back to work, we found our mailbox flooded with congratulatory messages from our...