US Vice President’s assurance tour to Europe

US Vice President’s assurance tour to Europe

(VOVworld) – US Vice President Mike Pence has just toured Europe to assuage concerns over President Donald Trump’s recent comments. During the tour, Pence made it clear that Europe remains...
Vietnamese five-colored cylindrical sticky rice cake

Vietnamese five-colored cylindrical sticky rice cake

(VOVworld) - Instead of making the Vietnamese cylindrical sticky rice cake plain, we can make it in the form of a beautiful flower with different colored petals. The art here happens inside the roll. Different...
Europe remains divided over migrants

Europe remains divided over migrants

(VOVworld) – The migrant issue continues to divide Europe. With some EU leaders calling on people to stay united and show tolerance towards the migrants, who are fleeing armed conflicts, others...
EU releases legislative priorities for 2017

EU releases legislative priorities for 2017

(VOVworld) – On Tuesday, President of the European Parliament Martin Schulz, holder of the rotating Council Presidency Robert Fico, and European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker signed a joint declaration...
Europe is likely to have its own army

Europe is likely to have its own army

(VOVworld)-Donald Trump’s victory in the US presidential election last week has prompted some European leaders to revitalize the idea of forming a common army
British PM Theresa May: Brexit timetable unchanged

British PM Theresa May: Brexit timetable unchanged

(VOVworld) - British Prime Minister Theresa May on Friday told European leaders that her March deadline for triggering Brexit negotiations “remains unchanged” despite a court ruling that she first needs...
EU, Canada open a new page in trade cooperation

EU, Canada open a new page in trade cooperation

(VOVworld) – The EU and Canada signed the EU-Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) and the Strategic Partnership Agreement (SPA) at the EU-Canada summit, which took place in...
EU sets new priorities for development

EU sets new priorities for development

(VOVworld) – The EU summit in Bratislava, Slovakia, on September 16 will be an opportunity for the bloc to show its internal unity and identify its new orientation after...
EU asks Turkey to reform anti-terror measures

EU asks Turkey to reform anti-terror measures

(VOVworld) - European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said on Sunday that Turks would only be granted visa-free travel to EU countries from October if Ankara meets all the requirements,...
“ASEM is Vietmam’s important partner”

“ASEM is Vietmam’s important partner”

(VOVworld) – The 15th Asia-Europe Business Forum themed “Connectivity for Inclusive Growth” took place on Thursday in Ulan Bator, Mongolia. The event was attended by European Commission President Jean Claude Juncker...