Activities mark Vietnam Family Day

Activities mark Vietnam Family Day

(VOVWORLD) - A cooking festival was held by the Quang Tri Women’s Union on Tuesday in Cua Viet town, Quang Tri province, to celebrate Vietnamese Family Day, June 28
 Meals connect family members

Meals connect family members

(VOVWORLD) - Eating meals as a family and taking care of grandparents and parents are important cultural features of Vietnam. Nowadays, family meals are more appreciated than ever as city life...
Vietnam responds to World Blood Donor Day

Vietnam responds to World Blood Donor Day

(VOVworld) – Various activities will be held in response to World Blood Donor Day on June 14th, including a program to honor 100 outstanding blood donors from across the country
Activities respond to Vietnam Family Day

Activities respond to Vietnam Family Day

(VOVworld) – Activities are underway across the country in response to Vietnam Family Day on June 28 towards building knowledgeable and happy families. Authorities of Thanh Hoa province have launched an...
Vietnam-Cambodia diplomatic ties celebrated

Vietnam-Cambodia diplomatic ties celebrated

(VOVworld) - A meeting will be held on Sunday to mark the 45th anniversary of diplomatic ties between Vietnam and Cambodia on June 24th. Minister of Foreign Affairs Pham Binh Minh said that the...