Signs of peace on Korean Peninsula

Signs of peace on Korean Peninsula

(VOVWORLD) -The situation on the Korean Peninsula has turned around since the beginning of this year with more positive signs than in 2017. US President Donald Trump last Thursday...
US sets conditions for summit with North Korea

US sets conditions for summit with North Korea

(VOVWORLD) -US President Donald Trump will meet with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un if North Korea keeps its promises about denuclearization and does not resume nuclear and missile testing,...
UN chief hails inter-Korean dialogues

UN chief hails inter-Korean dialogues

(VOVWORLD) - United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres has welcomed inter-Korean dialogues and said he hoped the denuclearization on the Korean peninsula will soon make progress
US President approves new strategy on North Korea

US President approves new strategy on North Korea

(VOVWORLD) - US President Donald Trump has approved a four-point policy on North Korea that involves applying "every possible pressure" while looking for a diplomatic solution, a South Korean lawmaker...
North Korea to talk with US at the right time

North Korea to talk with US at the right time

(VOVWORLD) - North Korea is willing to engage in talks with the US under the right conditions, North Korea’s foreign ministry director general for US affairs Choe Son Hui affirmed...
North Korea vows to bolster nuclear deterrence

North Korea vows to bolster nuclear deterrence

(VOVworld) - North Korea pledged Saturday to strengthen its nuclear deterrence, the latest in a series of warnings against South Korea and the United States over their annual military drills
North Korea conducts military drill

North Korea conducts military drill

(VOVworld) - North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un commanded a large scale military drill, the state media KCNA reported on Sunday. The drill was aimed at "destroying specified targets of the enemy,...
Korean Peninsula threatened by escalating tensions

Korean Peninsula threatened by escalating tensions

(VOVworld) – North Korea recently continued testing its submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM), which fell inside Japan’s Air Defense Identification Zone over the Sea of Japan. This was Pyongyang’s third missile launch since...