Vietnamese medics in South Sudan

Vietnamese medics in South Sudan

(VOVWORLD) - 63 medics at Vietnam’s level 2 field hospital have accomplished their UN peace keeping missions in Bentil, South Sudan
Wednesday July 3, 2019

Wednesday July 3, 2019

(VOVWORLD) - Debakamal Hazarika of India told us that she listened to a program on July 24th on 7280 khz and rated SINPO at 44343. She said the “Colorful Vietnam – Vietnam’s...
Traditional crafts of Hanoi’s Old Quarter

Traditional crafts of Hanoi’s Old Quarter

(VOVWORLD) - Hanoi’s Old Quarter is a charming place that many want to explore. The area is made attractive by its culture, history, architecture, and especially its traditional crafts. The...
Wednesday May 22, 2019

Wednesday May 22, 2019

(VOVWORLD) - We keep adding more listeners to our website and Facebook fanpage. Sultan Mahmud Sarker, President of the Shetu Radio Fan Club of Bangladesh, told us that he visited VOV5’s Facebook...
Wednesday May 15,2019

Wednesday May 15,2019

(VOVWORLD) - Welcome to the Letter Box, our weekly feature dedicated to listeners around the world
US halts F-35 equipment to Turkey

US halts F-35 equipment to Turkey

(VOVWORLD) - The United States has halted delivery of equipment related to the stealth F-35 fighter aircraft to Turkey, marking the first concrete step to block delivery of the...