SBV implements tasks for the 2nd half of the year

SBV implements tasks for the 2nd half of the year

(VOVworld)-The State Bank of Vietnam on Saturday reviewed its activities since early this year and implement tasks by the year end. The SBV has actively managed the monetary policy while bringing...
Banks cut interest rate, inflation eases

Banks cut interest rate, inflation eases

(VOVworld) The State Bank of Vietnam (SBV) has just lowered major interest rate caps, including deposit rates by 1%. The central bank has also decided to open up equity, real estate...
Easing difficulties for business and production

Easing difficulties for business and production

(VOVworld) - Key measures to stabilize the macro-economy and ease difficulties for business and production were high on the agenda of the regular cabinet meeting for February. The synchronous...
Vietnam set on stabilizing macro economy

Vietnam set on stabilizing macro economy

(VOVworld) Vietnam is determined this year to hold inflation to single digits, stabilize the macro economy, gradually reduce interest rates and create tax incentives to boost business and production. A...
Review of one year of inflation control

Review of one year of inflation control

Controlling inflation was the main task of the Vietnamese government in 2011. Despite 18.5% inflation this year, well above the set target of 7%, signs of recovery during...
Laying a foundation for sustainable growth

Laying a foundation for sustainable growth

The Vietnam Business Forum, an annual event on the sidelines of the Consultative Group meeting of donors, opened in Hanoi on Friday. This year the meeting focuses on measures to restructure...