Sauna in Finland – things you may not know

Sauna in Finland – things you may not know

(VOVWORLD) - Sauna, a small room used as a hot-air or steam bath for cleaning and refreshing the body, is now popular all over the world. Have you ever thought that sauna is a...
August Revolution wins people’s hearts and minds

August Revolution wins people’s hearts and minds

(VOVWORLD) - In August 1945, a call for a general uprising was delivered throughout Vietnam. 20 million Vietnamese rose up to wrest back power and gain independence from French colonialists. The momentous victory...
Peace in Middle East out of reach

Peace in Middle East out of reach

(VOVWORLD) - The US officially opened an embassy in Jerusalem on Monday despite mass protests from Palestine and many other countries, who said it adds fuel to the fire in the...
Syria complains to UN about US-led airstrikes

Syria complains to UN about US-led airstrikes

(VOVWORLD) - Syria’s media said Wednesday that its Foreign Ministry has submitted a letter of complaint to UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres and the UN Security Council about airstrikes carried...
 Positive signals in US gun control debate

Positive signals in US gun control debate

(VOVWORLD) - US gun control has seen positive signals, with the government, Republican congressmen, and the National Rifle Association expressing readiness to discuss gun restrictions
Visiting historical relics in Quang Ngai

Visiting historical relics in Quang Ngai

(VOVWORLD) - Quang Ngai province in central Vietnam saw fierce fighting during the war. The province’s historical and cultural relics attract many tourists and are evidence of the local...
Vietnamese films screened on Indian television

Vietnamese films screened on Indian television

(VOVworld) - Vietnamese feature films are being screened on Indian national television channel Doordarshan from September 1st to 4th. This activity is taking place during the visit of Indian Prime Minsiter Narendra Modi...
Munich shooting’s perpetrator identified

Munich shooting’s perpetrator identified

(VOVworld) – German investigators reported on Saturday that Ali David Sonboly, 18, was identified as the perpetrator who had shot and killed nine people in the Munich massacre on Friday’s...