Traditional culture of the O Du in Nghe An

Traditional culture of the O Du in Nghe An

(VOVWORLD) - The O Du ethnic minority group has about 600 people living mainly in Tuong Duong district in the central province of Nghe An province. They live together with the Thai,...
Eid Al-Adha, the Festival of Sacrifice, in Oman

Eid Al-Adha, the Festival of Sacrifice, in Oman

(VOVWORLD) - “Eid al-Adha,” the "Sacrifice Feast," is the second Muslim holiday celebrated in Oman each year. The festival marks the end of the traditional pilgrimage season to Mecca. A large number of animals are...
 Human rights promoted in a practical, humane manner

Human rights promoted in a practical, humane manner

(VOVWORLD) - On Human Rights Day, December 10, hostile and reactionary forces and political opportunists attempted to distort and deny Vietnam’s achievements in promoting human rights. The distortion is groundless. Since its foundation...
Things you should know about Oman

Things you should know about Oman

(VOVWORLD) - Many Vietnamese people know Oman only as the home of mythical characters whose stories continue to be told around the globe. But the Sultanate of Oman is a veritable kaleidoscope of history, culture, heritage,...
Austria says ISIS involved in Vienna terror attack

Austria says ISIS involved in Vienna terror attack

(VOVWORLD) - Austria’s top security official accused the Islamic State (ISIS) of opening fire at multiple locations in central Vienna late Monday that killed at least four people, including a police...
Ngo boat race of the Khmer

Ngo boat race of the Khmer

(VOVWORLD) - The Khmer’s Ok-om-bok Festival ended with the Ngo boat race over the weekend. Scores of Ngo boats from southern provinces took part in the race in Soc...
Nice terrorist entered France this month

Nice terrorist entered France this month

(VOVWORLD) - The knife attacker who beheaded a woman and killed two other people in a church in the French city of Nice on Thursday before being shot by police was a...
Vietnam’s successes in gender equality

Vietnam’s successes in gender equality

(VOVWORLD) - Elisa Fernandez Saenz, Head Representative of UN Women in Viet Nam, says Vietnam has made much progress in gender equality. The UN has recognized Vietnam as one of the...