What is Argentina famous for?

What is Argentina famous for?

(VOVWORLD) - What is Argentina famous for besides legendary football stars Diego Maradona and Lionel Messi. It depends on who you ask. Some people will rave about wine and delicious cuisine. Others may...
Life adversities

Life adversities

(VOVWORLD) - In Vietnam people with disabilities and their families are generally poorer than most. They have fewer employment opportunities and less access to social services. Inequality still exists in living standards, societal attitudes...
Egypt's newspapers highlight Vietnam’s achievements

Egypt's newspapers highlight Vietnam’s achievements

(VOVWORLD) - Egyptian newspapers have published articles lauding Vietnam’s outstanding accomplishments in recent years, especially as the 13th National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) is on the...
Europe split over Belarus crisis

Europe split over Belarus crisis

(VOVWORLD) - A political crisis in Belarus has the world’s attention these days and there is a profound split within the European Union as to what should be done about...
Teaching online

Teaching online

(VOVWORLD) -Teaching online an inevitable path for teachers during the COVID-19 pandemic in Vietnam as well as many countries around the world. But teaching online is proving difficult for...
Experts predict another financial crash

Experts predict another financial crash

(VOVWORLD) - Jesse Colombo, an economic forecaster, who predicted the 2008 global financial crisis, has warned that another crash is on the way, and this time it will be much worse. Colombo...
Elton Mess

Elton Mess

(VOVWORLD) - Today we’ve got a traditional English dessert consisting of strawberries, meringue, and whipped cream. Can you guess what it is? It's definitely Eton mess. I don’t know for...
Brexit remains in an impasse

Brexit remains in an impasse

(VOVWORLD) - Britain’s departure from the European Union remains locked in a stalemate as British MPs couldn’t agree on any of the 8 measures voted on Wednesday, even after Prime Minister...
German traditional wedding customs

German traditional wedding customs

(VOVWORLD) - In many cultures all over the world, wedding ceremonies go hand in hand with special traditions and superstitions. Today we’ll talk to Josephine Struckmeier, a German student working...
Korean Times praises Vietnamese striker

Korean Times praises Vietnamese striker

(VOVWORLD) - The Korean Times of South Korea has called Vietnamese striker Nguyen Cong Phuong a new talent in Asian football, who has been likened to a Lionel Messi
Angela Merkel to quit politics

Angela Merkel to quit politics

(VOVWORLD) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel says she will step down as Chancellor in 2021 and not seek re-election as leader of the Christian Democratic Union of Germany (CDU), a center...