Vietnam Constitution promotes human rights

Vietnam Constitution promotes human rights

(VOVworld)- National Assembly Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung, on behalf of nearly 500 National Assembly deputies and 90 million Vietnamese people, certified the new Constitution of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam on Monday. Deputies...

Unity saboteurs go on trial in the central highlands

(VOVworld) - The Gia Lai provincial People’s Court yesterday opened a mobile trial for eight defendants, who were earlier prosecuted for “sabotaging the policy on solidarity” in accordance with Article...
 German cultural space in Hanoi

German cultural space in Hanoi

(VOVworld) – An exhibition entitled “Comics, Manga and Co – The New German Comic Culture” is underway in the Goethe Institute, Hanoi, as part of cultural activities to mark “European Days in Vietnam”...
Further comments on the revised 1992 Constitution

Further comments on the revised 1992 Constitution

(VOVworld)- Deputies of the National Assembly’s Standing Committee on Thursday discussed constitutional revisions regarding the organization of the state apparatus, land ownership and reclamation mechanisms