Verses that touch millions of hearts

Verses that touch millions of hearts

(VOVworld)-70 years ago President Ho Chi Minh read a Lunar New Year poem he wrote to the Vietnamese people for the first time on Radio the Voice of Vietnam...
China prioritizes its relations with ASEAN In 2015

China prioritizes its relations with ASEAN In 2015

(VOVworld)- Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Geng Shuang told a regular press conference on Wednesday that the Chinese government always regards ASEAN as being the priority in its neighborhood diplomacy
Iraqi task force enters Mosul

Iraqi task force enters Mosul

(VOVworld) - Iraq’s special forces entered the outskirts of Mosul on Tuesday and were advancing toward its more urban center despite fierce resistance by IS fighters who hold the city
Halloween Eve: when the fun is not limited to children

Halloween Eve: when the fun is not limited to children

(VOVworld) - Straddling the line between fall and winter, plenty and paucity, life and death, Halloween is a time of celebration and superstition. Thought to have originated with the ancient Celtic people, Halloween has...
Central Africa needs UN peacekeeping boost

Central Africa needs UN peacekeeping boost

(VOVworld) – Human Rights Watch (HRW) on Tuesday called on the United Nations to boost security forces in the Central African Republic, a day after France ended its peacekeeping mission in...
Movies: A Connection To The American Culture

Movies: A Connection To The American Culture

(VOVworld) - The American film industry, often referred to as Hollywood as the name of its birthplace, is considered the most dominant force in the world’s modern cinema industry. Just the word “Hollywood” itself conjures...
Syrian army advances in Aleppo

Syrian army advances in Aleppo

(VOVworld) - A military source confirmed that the Syrian army on Tuesday restored full control over the al-Farafira neighborhood in Northern Aleppo as part of a major offensive launched last...