Unique culture of Hoa community in An Giang

Unique culture of Hoa community in An Giang

(VOVWORLD) - In the Mekong Delta province of An Giang, the Hoa people, or Vietnamese of Chinese origin, live mainly in Chau Doc, Long Xuyen, and Tan Chau town. As an ethnic...
Mong ethnic minority’s baby naming ritual

Mong ethnic minority’s baby naming ritual

(VOVWORLD) - Mong ethnic minority people live mainly in the northern mountain provinces including Ha Giang, Dien Bien, and Cao Bang, and in several Central Highlands provinces. Like other ethnic groups, Mong...
Hutong, cultural features familiar to Beijingers

Hutong, cultural features familiar to Beijingers

(VOVWORLD) - Surrounding the imposing and world-famous Beijing architectural landmarks like the Forbidden City and the Old Summer Palace are hutong, narrow streets or alleys, closely linked to the life of commoners in...
Kishida  elected  next Japanese PM

Kishida elected next Japanese PM

(VOVWORLD) - Fumio Kishida, leader of Japan's ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), was elected on Monday as the country's new prime minister to succeed Yoshihide Suga
Endangered langurs spotted in Quang Binh forest

Endangered langurs spotted in Quang Binh forest

(VOVWORLD) - Conservationists and local farmers have joined hands to protect about 156 Hatinh langurs that have recently been spotted in different limestone forest sections in the central province of Quang...