BSR’s journey to create values

BSR’s journey to create values

(VOVWORLD) - Binh Son Refining and Petrochemical Company Limited (BSR) was established on May 9, 2008. On July 1, 2018, the company became a joint stock company with the new name Binh Son...
How the world addresses population challenges

How the world addresses population challenges

(VOVWORLD) - Many countries are struggling to adapt to demographic trends and seize opportunities from population issues to generate a driving force for sustainable development. To mark this year's World Population Day...
Base salary to rise from July

Base salary to rise from July

(VOVWORLD) - The base salary for civil servants, public employees, and members of the armed forces, will increase from 1.49 million VND (63.5 USD) to 1.8 million VND per...
Wednesday May 3, 2023

Wednesday May 3, 2023

(VOVWORLD) - Over the past few weeks, the English Service of VOVWorld has received letters, emails, and feedback from our long-time listeners, who began listening to VOV in the 1970s...
Sudan violence escalation causes international concern

Sudan violence escalation causes international concern

(VOVWORLD) -The international community has expressed deep concern over the escalation of violence in Sudan’s capital Khartoum after clashes broke out Saturday between the Sudanese army and the Rapid Support Forces ...
EU Summit seeks solutions for intra-bloc challenges

EU Summit seeks solutions for intra-bloc challenges

(VOVWORLD) - The European Union’s 2nd summit this year, which concluded Friday in Brussels, discussed the bloc’s most prominent issues, including support for Ukraine in its conflict with Russia, increasing the...
Young people set off for military service

Young people set off for military service

(VOVWORLD) - 30 districts in Hanoi capital held ceremonies on Monday to see off around 3,500 youngsters voluntarily registering to perform military and public security service this year
PM urges work to start shortly after Tet holiday

PM urges work to start shortly after Tet holiday

(VOVWORLD) -Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh on Friday, the first working day after Lunar New Year holiday, requested ministries, agencies and localities to urgently start work, so as not to delay production...
 Wednesday December 28, 2022

Wednesday December 28, 2022

(VOVWORLD) - On Tuesday, at the VOVWorld office in Hanoi we had the honor of welcoming the winners of VOV’s 2020 contest “What do you know about Vietnam?”