Aid situation in Gaza faces challenges

Aid situation in Gaza faces challenges

(VOVWORLD) -UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said Monday that an all-out Israeli offensive on Rafah would spell the end for UN-led humanitarian relief to the people of Gaza,...
Vietnamese goods sought after in domestic market

Vietnamese goods sought after in domestic market

(VOVWORLD) -Thanks to international economic integration, imported goods with famous brands are no longer unfamiliar to Vietnamese. But domestic goods are increasingly dominating the market because of higher quality, better design...
Go Cong – popular altar cabinet making village

Go Cong – popular altar cabinet making village

(VOVWORLD) -Worshipping ancestors plays a special role in the spiritual life of Vietnamese people. The worship space is a sacred area and the family altar demonstrates solemnity and respect to one...
PM urges speeding up key transportation projects

PM urges speeding up key transportation projects

(VOVWORLD) - Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh on Friday ordered an acceleration of key transportation projects in 2024, while chairing a meeting of the Steering Committee for Key National Transport Projects,...