Kumquat growing area in Hoi An preparing for Tet

Kumquat growing area in Hoi An preparing for Tet

(VOVWORLD) - These days the ornamental kumquat cultivation area in Hoi An city is bustling, preparing to meet the demands of the upcoming Lunar New Year market. Most local ornamental kumquats have been...
Hanoi to host Vegan Food Festival 2024

Hanoi to host Vegan Food Festival 2024

(VOVWORLD) - A number of domestic and foreign chefs are set to introduce their signature vegan dishes at the Vegan Food Festival 2024, which is scheduled to take place at Thong...
US, Sweden sign Defence Cooperation Agreement

US, Sweden sign Defence Cooperation Agreement

(VOVWORLD) -The United States and Sweden on Tuesday signed a Defense Cooperation Agreement, the US Department of State said, as the Nordic country strengthens military alliances while waiting for approval...