Dai Bai Bronze Casting Village

Dai Bai Bronze Casting Village

(VOVworld) - Dai Bai village, also known as Van Lang, is located on high ground near the bank of the Bai Giang River in Bac Ninh province. It’s famous for...
US begins deploying THAAD system in South Korea

US begins deploying THAAD system in South Korea

(VOVworld) – The South Korean Defense Ministry announced Tuesday that the US has begun to deploy the Terminal High-Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) system in South Korea to cope with growing...
Pakistan, India agree to reduce tensions

Pakistan, India agree to reduce tensions

(VOVworld) - Top Pakistani diplomat Sartaj Aziz said on Monday that Pakistan and India have agreed to reduce tensions after their National Security Advisors spoke over the phone, their first contact since the...
Vietnam marks International Day of Older Persons

Vietnam marks International Day of Older Persons

(VOVworld) - The Vietnam Association of the Elderly has organized a range of activities to take care of and promote the role of senior citizens, in response to International Day of Older Persons and...
Dr. Tran Dinh Phong, an outstanding scientist

Dr. Tran Dinh Phong, an outstanding scientist

(VOVworld) – Dr. Tran Dinh Phong of the Hanoi University of Science and Technology has published his research in the prestigious journal Natural Materials, with findings on the structure and mechanism of action...
Tale of Kieu in Romanian language

Tale of Kieu in Romanian language

(VOVworld)- A Romanian version of the great epic poem by poet Nguyen Du (1766–1820) has just been handed as a gift to the Nguyen Du Memorial Centre in the...
Vietnam-Japan education cooperation reaps fruit

Vietnam-Japan education cooperation reaps fruit

(VOVworld) – Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc hailed comprehensive Vietnam-Japan cooperation and said education was the the best cooperation area at a reception in Hanoi on Wednesday for Hiroshi Hase, Japanese Minister of...
Educational cooperation promotes Vietnam-US ties

Educational cooperation promotes Vietnam-US ties

(VOVword)- In addition to economic cooperation, educational exchange has emerged as a prime focus in Vietnam-US relations. Nearly 17,000 Vietnamese attending tertiary and postgraduate courses in the US...
Moscow accuses US of violating INF Treaty

Moscow accuses US of violating INF Treaty

(VOVworld) – Russia has described the deployment of missile launchers in Romania as part of a US missile defense system as a violation of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF Treaty...