Buying luck at Vieng market

Buying luck at Vieng market

(VOVworld)- Vietnamese people in the Red River Delta believe in going to the market to pray for luck. From midnight of the 7th day to the morning of 8th day of...
Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

A: Bun Cha- the traditional Vietnamese dish - consists of grilled pork served in a broth or with dipping sauce, along with rice noodles and fresh herbs. It is one of the...
Wednesday December 9, 2015

Wednesday December 9, 2015

(VOVworld) - I’m reading an interesting letter from T. Shintaku of Osaka who says he has thought of learning Vietnamese and migrating to Vietnam when he’s older. He...
Wednesday Novermber 11, 2015

Wednesday Novermber 11, 2015

(VOVworld) - This week we got a Halloween postcard from Robert Krolikowski of New York, the US. The black cat and orange jack-o-lantern are more funny than scary. Although Halloween is...
Fake Cambodian map accusers to face punishment

Fake Cambodian map accusers to face punishment

(VOVworld) – On Friday, Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen requested punitive measures be imposed on those individuals and organizations who slandered the government of using a false map
Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

In addition to the exquisite landscape, music, and cuisine, Bia hoi (draught beer) is another attraction in Vietnam. Trying Bia hoi in the Old Quarter of Hanoi or tasting Western...
Nothing can disrupt Vietnamese-Cambodian relations

Nothing can disrupt Vietnamese-Cambodian relations

(VOVworld) – Recent protests in Cambodia publicized a perverse claim based on distorted information that a part of Vietnamese territory belongs to Cambodia. Some protestors have demanded severing relations with Vietnam. The...
Vietnam - Cambodia relations indestructible

Vietnam - Cambodia relations indestructible

(VOVworld) – The Cambodian government and people are determined to protect and develop Cambodia’s relationship with Vietnam and not let anything undermine the two countries’ special solidarity
Promoting democracy in constitutionalization

Promoting democracy in constitutionalization

(VOVworld) – The first phase of collecting public opinions on the draft revisions of the 1992 Constitution according to National Assembly Resolution 38 concluded on March 31 with positive results. During the...