Kon Tum hosts folk performing arts festival

Kon Tum hosts folk performing arts festival

(VOVWORLD) - The third Folk Performing Arts and Cultural Festival of Ethnic Groups in the Truong Son Range-Central Highlands opened on Wednesday in Kon Plong district, Kon Tum province
Global efforts to surmount challenges

Global efforts to surmount challenges

(VOVWORLD) - The world will continue to face serious problems this year. The COVID-19 pandemic, fierce competition between powerful countries, and violent conflicts on every continent are challenges that will...
GDP growth - highlight of Vietnam’s economy in 2021

GDP growth - highlight of Vietnam’s economy in 2021

(VOVWORLD) - Vietnam had impressive economic achievements in 2021 despite enormous difficulties caused by COVID-19. The achievements which were attributed to the engagement of the entire political system, businesses and...
A working, reformed National Assembly

A working, reformed National Assembly

(VOVWORLD) - 2021 was an impressive year for the 15th National Assembly. Due to COVID-19, the legislature held its 2 first sessions both online and offline. But the NA made...
Vietnam’s tourism sails through COVID-19 storm

Vietnam’s tourism sails through COVID-19 storm

(VOVWORLD) - 2021 continued to be a turbulent year for the tourism industry as the COVID-19 pandemic evolved complicatedly, causing prolonged disruption of the tourism service linkages, according to the...
Vietnam’s GDP grows 2.58% in 2021

Vietnam’s GDP grows 2.58% in 2021

(VOVWORLD) -Vietnam’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2021 is estimated to grow 2.58% over the previous year due to the COVID-19 pandemic affecting all sectors of the economy...
A tumultuous year in US-China relations

A tumultuous year in US-China relations

(VOVWORLD) - The relationship between the two superpowers, the US and China, was turbulent in 2021. Despite tensions, at times were sharply escalating, the overall relationship is still under control and...