Wednesday May 27, 2020

Wednesday May 27, 2020

(VOVWORLD) - We continue to receive entries for VOV’s writing contest “What do you know about Vietnam?”
 National Day marked nationwide

National Day marked nationwide

(VOVWORLD) - Various activities were held nationwide to mark the 74th anniversary of Vietnam’s National Day (September 2)
How much does youth cost?

How much does youth cost?

(VOVWORLD) - “Youth is the best time to be rich, and the best time to be poor,” said Greek tragedian Euripides. Being rich and successful is a common ambition among young people, which they...
National Assembly to question 4 ministers this week

National Assembly to question 4 ministers this week

(VOVWORLD) -The National Assembly deputies will question the Minister of Public Security, Minister of Construction, Minister of Transport, and Minister of Culture, Sports, and Tourism this week, the 3rd...
Rare photos of President Ho Chi Minh

Rare photos of President Ho Chi Minh

(VOVWORLD) - Activities are underway inside and outside Vietnam to celebrate the 129th birth anniversary of President Ho Chi Minh, May 19. Check out some historical images of President Ho Chi...