ASEAN urges dialogues on Korean peninsula

ASEAN urges dialogues on Korean peninsula

(VOVWORLD) - Ministers attending an ASEAN security forum in Bangkok in August will welcome the recent talks between the leaders of the United States and North Korea and urge dialogues among concerned...
Meeting marks World Population Day in Hanoi

Meeting marks World Population Day in Hanoi

(VOVWORLD) - A meeting took place in Hanoi on July 11 to mark World Population Day (July 11) under the theme of Vietnam’s 25 years implementing the 1994 International Conference...
Dangerous confrontation in the Gulf

Dangerous confrontation in the Gulf

(VOVWORLD) - The US and Iran approached the brink of war after Iran shot down a US military surveillance drone above the Strait of Hormuz. Although it stopped short of a military strike...
Russia expands blacklist of EU officials

Russia expands blacklist of EU officials

(VOVWORLD) - Moscow is expanding the blacklist of European Union officials in retaliation for EU restrictions against Russians, the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement on Monday
Canada asks China to release Canadian citizens

Canada asks China to release Canadian citizens

(VOVWORLD) - Canada on Thursday asked China to immediately release former Canadian diplomat Michael Kovrig and Canadian businessman Michael Spavor, who were formally arrested after being detained for months on national...
A step backward in US-Iran relations

A step backward in US-Iran relations

(VOVWORLD) - One year after the US withdrew from its nuclear deal with Iran, on Monday President Donald Trump made the unprecedented move of formally designating Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC...