France strives for new deal with protestors

France strives for new deal with protestors

(VOVWORLD) - French President Emmanuel Macron initiated a national debate on Tuesday to collect public opinions to end chaotic days caused by yellow vest protesters. He believes that people’s...
Brexit deal sees brighter prospects

Brexit deal sees brighter prospects

(VOVWORLD) - Prime Minister Theresa May has written a letter to the British public pleading for their support for her Brexit deal, as the EU prepares to formally sign it off
Power of Ba Na patriarchs

Power of Ba Na patriarchs

(VOVWORLD) - Hamlet chiefs of ethnic groups in the Central Highlands are called patriarchs. They used to be brave fighters or role models in production. When they are old, villagers venerate...
US urged to ease sanctions on North Korea

US urged to ease sanctions on North Korea

(VOVWORLD) - In addition to a formal end-of-war declaration, the US needs to consider a partial lifting of its sanctions on North Korea to get North Korea to permanently close...
Vietnam, Australia cooperate in training lawyers

Vietnam, Australia cooperate in training lawyers

(VOVWORLD) -Vietnam and Australia will bolster exchanges and support each other to improve professional capacity for lawyers from both sides, according to a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed between the Vietnam Bar Federation ...
Panmunjom agreement kindles hope for peace

Panmunjom agreement kindles hope for peace

(VOVWORLD) - Since leaders of the two Koreas signed an agreement at a historic summit on Friday in the border village of Panmunjom, Seoul and Pyongyang have taken initial steps to realize...
Opportunity for peace on the Korean peninsula

Opportunity for peace on the Korean peninsula

(VOVWORLD) - An inter-Korean summit between South Korean President Moon Jae-in and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un will take place in the Panmonjom truce village on Friday. The meeting,...