Palestinian President visits Egypt

Palestinian President visits Egypt

(VOVworld) – Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas arrived in Cairo on Sunday for an official visit to Egypt at the invitation of President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi
Israel will not attend peace talks in Paris

Israel will not attend peace talks in Paris

(VOVworld) - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday called this weekend’s Middle East peace conference in Paris “rigged”, with his government refusing to play any role in the meeting
Russia, Turkey foster bilateral ties

Russia, Turkey foster bilateral ties

(VOVworld) – Russia and Turkey have signed an agreement on the construction of an undersea gas pipeline. They have also pledged to reach a common voice on the Syria crisis. The moves...
Egypt, Norway push Middle East peace process

Egypt, Norway push Middle East peace process

(VOVworld) – Egyptian Foreign Minister Samed Shoukry has discussed with Norway’s special envoy for the Middle East, Tor Vinslad, the Paris peace initiative to restart the peace process between Israel...
Israel, US to discuss Middle East peace

Israel, US to discuss Middle East peace

(VOVworld) – Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and US Secretary of State John Kerry will meet next week in Europe to discuss Israel-Palestine negotiations
US, Cuba restart commercial sea travel

US, Cuba restart commercial sea travel

(VOVworld) - A US cruise ship docked in Havana on Monday, marking the first time a ship has arrived in Cuba from a US seaport in nearly 40 years. The Adonia ship,...
Israel rejects France’s peace initiative

Israel rejects France’s peace initiative

(VOVworld) – Israel has officially rejected France’s peace initiative to restart the Israeli-Palestinian peace process. The Israeli Prime Minister’s office announced Thursday that the best way to resolve...
OIC holds emergency meeting on occupied Syrian Golan

OIC holds emergency meeting on occupied Syrian Golan

(VOVworld) – On Sunday, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) announced it would convene an extraordinary meeting on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s statement last week affirming Israel’s eternal...
Syria peace talks to resume on April 11

Syria peace talks to resume on April 11

(VOVworld) – The United Nations Syrian envoy, Staffan de Mistura, met Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in Moscow Tuesday to lay the groundwork for upcoming peace talks
Date for Syrian peace talks unspecified

Date for Syrian peace talks unspecified

(VOVworld) – A source close to the Syrian government delegation told AFP that it would attend renewed peace talks in Geneva starting Monday, March 14. The United Nations is hoping to restart...