Wednesday July 25, 2018

Wednesday July 25, 2018

(VOVWORLD) -We’re very glad when our listeners tell us that they have received VOV’s QSL cards and gifts. Every week, VOVWorld sends letters to listeners around the world. Most of...
Wednesday June 13, 2018

Wednesday June 13, 2018

(VOVWORLD) - Shivendu Paul, a regular listener of Voice of Vietnam’s English program in India, reported that he received good reception on 7220Khz on June 11thusing a Grundig YB 80 receiver. SINPO...
Sustainable agriculture development in ASEAN integration

Sustainable agriculture development in ASEAN integration

(VOVWORLD) - Improving the quality of agricultural products, ensuring farmers’ interests, and sustainably developing agriculture in ASEAN topped the agenda of a just- concluded international conference in Hanoi. The event was jointly held...
EU food penetrates new markets

EU food penetrates new markets

(VOVWORLD) -Russia’s food ban has put heavier pressure on European agricultural production and led to the loss of about 5.5 billion euros per year. The European Committee has...
Boosting Vietnam-Cambodia relationship

Boosting Vietnam-Cambodia relationship

(VOVWORLD) - Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong paid a State visit to Cambodia from last week at the invitation of Cambodian King Norodom Sihamoni. The visit from Thursday to Saturday...
Xo Dang’s custom of apologizing in the morning

Xo Dang’s custom of apologizing in the morning

(VOVWORLD) -It’s impossible to totally avoid misunderstandings and disagreements. The Xo Dang have a custom of making an apology in the morning to resolve any problem or disagreement between individuals,...
Ambassadors of Hanoi’s tourism

Ambassadors of Hanoi’s tourism

(VOVworld) – Whether it is rainy or sunny, hundreds of volunteers supporting Thang Long - Hanoi tourism man tourist sites with a smile on their lips. They act as tourism ambassadors, promoting...
Sustainable agriculture in ASEAN integration

Sustainable agriculture in ASEAN integration

(VOVworld) – An international conference entitled “Developing sustainable agriculture in ASEAN integration” was held in Hanoi on Thursday and Friday, aimed at improving the quality of agricultural products, ensuring farmers’ interests,...