Terraced fields produce prosperous harvests

Terraced fields produce prosperous harvests

(VOVWORLD) - Most tourists already know about Ta Xua, the paradise of clouds, in Bac Yen district, Son La province. But travelling further into the mountains, tourists will arrive at a...
Factors of agricultural and rural development

Factors of agricultural and rural development

(VOVWORLD) - The movement to involve farmers in shared production and trading and unite to help each other reduce poverty was launched in 1989. After 33 years of implementation, it has become...
The story of “digital farmers” in mountain areas

The story of “digital farmers” in mountain areas

(VOVWORLD) - The COVID-19 pandemic has affected almost every economic sector, including agriculture, but has offered new opportunities for farmers, especially those in mountain areas, helping them to be productive. In Lao Cai...
Farmers in Hai Duong boost digital transformation

Farmers in Hai Duong boost digital transformation

(VOVWORLD) - In recent years, farmers in Hai Duong province have applied scientific and technical advances to growing lychee, one of the key products of the locality’s agriculture. Lychees grown according to...
Voso.vn – “Make in Vietnam” e-commerce platform

Voso.vn – “Make in Vietnam” e-commerce platform

(VOVWORLD) - Voso.vn is a technology product "Make in Vietnam" developed by Viettel Military Industry and Telecommunications Group, providing customers with an easy, safe and fast online shopping experience through strong payment...
Wednesday July 06, 2022

Wednesday July 06, 2022

(VOVWORLD) - Last week VOVWorld received 389 letters and emails from listeners in 33 countries and territories who listened to VOV’s programs in 12 languages. We were very glad to receive...