China and Japan exchange their views

China and Japan exchange their views

(VOVworld) – the Japanese and Chinese Foreign Ministries held meetings in Beijing on Tuesday and Wednesday to discuss the recent increased tensions over a territorial dispute
Japan nationalizes disputed islands

Japan nationalizes disputed islands

The Japanese government on Tuesday signed a purchase contract with a private owner to nationalize 3 of the 5 islets of the Senkaku Island group despite strong opposition from China, who...
US increases its presence in Asia - Pacific

US increases its presence in Asia - Pacific

(VOVworld) - US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is on an 11-day Asia-Pacific tour. She will visit China, Indonesia, Russia, the Cook Islands, Brunei, and East Timor. As...
China – Japan relations strained

China – Japan relations strained

Japanese activists have swum ashore and raised flags on an island claimed by both Japan and China, fanning an escalating territorial dispute between the two countries