283 products named Vietnam National Brands

283 products named Vietnam National Brands

(VOVWORLD) - 283 products from 124 companies were honored on Wednesday as Vietnam National Brands for 2020. This certification of their high quality and mastery of technology will elevate their prestige...
UN chief concerned of nuclear risks

UN chief concerned of nuclear risks

(VOVWORLD) - UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres warned Friday that the world is living “in the shadow of nuclear catastrophe,” fueled by growing distrust and tensions between the nuclear powers
Wednesday September 30, 2020

Wednesday September 30, 2020

(VOVWORLD) - First on our show today, we’d like to send our best wishes to the South Asia Radio Club in Bangladesh on its 23rd anniversary, October 1, 2020
Tan Trao revolutionary base lives on in memory

Tan Trao revolutionary base lives on in memory

(VOVWORLD) - In May, 1945, after moving from Cao Bang to Tuyen Quang province to direct the national revolution, President Ho Chi Minh chose Tan Trao commune to set up a revolutionary base for...
Consequences of US-China tensions

Consequences of US-China tensions

(VOVWORLD) - China-US relations have plunged to the lowest point since US President Richard Nixon took the key step of normalizing the relationship in 1972. Tit-for-tat retaliations have...
Covid-19 casts shadow on global economy

Covid-19 casts shadow on global economy

(VOVWORLD) - The Covid-19 epidemic has spread worldwide and affected every corner of the global economy. It is causing lost revenues, breaking supply chains, and slashing billions of dollars from...
NATO at a new turn after 70 years

NATO at a new turn after 70 years

(VOVWORLD) - NATO leaders will gather in London on Tuesday for a summit to mark the alliance's 70th anniversary and discuss future orientations amidst numerous challenges
US-EU trade dispute

US-EU trade dispute

(VOVWORLD) - The tariff dispute between the US and the EU may flare up again over subsidies for aircraft makers Boeing and Airbus. The confrontation has intensified since the WTO authorized the...


Special International Women's Day Lunch show featuring British Ambassador to Vietnam Gareth Ward and Shadow Ambassador Do Thi Phuong Thao
Fun mural art project for kids

Fun mural art project for kids

(VOVWORLD) - Creating mural art is a great way for kids to learn and play at the same time. What is the better way to inspire the imagination of a child than allowing them to...
West Lake – The biggest lake in Hanoi

West Lake – The biggest lake in Hanoi

(VOVWORLD) - The capital city of Hanoi is called “The city of lakes”. Among its dozens of big and small lakes, West Lake is the biggest with the encircling road stretching nearly...
Hanoians treated to spectacular international puppet shows

Hanoians treated to spectacular international puppet shows

(VOVWORLD) - The ongoing 5th International Puppetry Festival has puppeteers from Cambodia, Laos, the Philippines, Thailand, Belgium, France, Brazil and Vietnam. They are wowing the audience with water puppet, shadow puppet, rod puppet...