Tet comes early to Binh Khe flower village

Tet comes early to Binh Khe flower village

(VOVWORLD) - As Tet, the Lunar New Year, approaches, Binh Khe commune in Dong Trieu town, a major flower growing area of Quang Ninh province, becomes busier. Local farmers put all...
Vietnam enhances cooperation with European partners

Vietnam enhances cooperation with European partners

(VOVWORLD) - After attending the 54th annual World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh will pay official visits to Hungary and Romania from January 18-23. The visits are...
Vietnamese animation company sets two records

Vietnamese animation company sets two records

(VOVWORLD) - The Vietnamese animation studio Sconnect has officially been recognized for two records in the fields of animated film copyrights and multilingual distribution on digital platforms, marking the first time...
Bulgaria a priority partner of Vietnam

Bulgaria a priority partner of Vietnam

(VOVWORLD) -National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue said the legislative body of Vietnam and Bulgaria will coordinate closely to monitor the effective implementation of cooperation mechanisms and agreements between the...