Saudi Arabia, Russia deepen oil cuts

Saudi Arabia, Russia deepen oil cuts

(VOVWORLD) -Saudi Arabia said Monday it will increase its oil production cut by 1 million barrels a day, which means its production for this month and next month will be...
Short film urges for sea turtles protection

Short film urges for sea turtles protection

(VOVWORLD) -The Education for Nature Vietnam (ENV) released its 55th media short film titled “Sea turtles belong to the ocean” on Friday to raise awareness on the threats to the species...
Wednesday June 14, 2023

Wednesday June 14, 2023

(VOVWORLD) - Matt Francis, a regular listener to VOV’s English programs told us: “The Voice of Vietnam is regularly and reliably heard in our evenings. My listening location is a residential neighborhood, about 40 km...
Vietnam-Laos ties elevated to a new height

Vietnam-Laos ties elevated to a new height

(VOVWORLD) - President Vo Van Thuong began an official visit to Laos on Monday at the invitation of Lao Party General Secretary and President Thongloun Sisoulith. The visit demonstrates Vietnam’s consistent...