Police attack criminal gangs in Haiti

Police attack criminal gangs in Haiti

(VOVWORLD) - Haiti’s police launched an operation in a neighborhood of the country's capital - Port-au-Prince - controlled by the notorious gang leader Jimmy Cherizier, that left several criminals dead...
EU evacuates staff from Haiti

EU evacuates staff from Haiti

(VOVWORLD) -The EU has evacuated its staff from Haiti in response to a security deterioration, as armed gangs have gained control of much of the capital, European Commission spokesperson Peter...
UN staff officer training course opens in Hanoi

UN staff officer training course opens in Hanoi

(VOVWORLD) -A United Nations staff officer training course opened at the Hanoi-based Vietnam Department of Peacekeeping Operations on Monday within the framework of Canada’s Military Training and Cooperation...
Vietnam voices concern over East Sea tension

Vietnam voices concern over East Sea tension

(VOVWORLD) -Vietnam is deeply concerned over the recent tension in the East Sea, internationally known as South China Sea, spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said on Saturday
Women’s role grows worldwide

Women’s role grows worldwide

(VOVWORLD) - Since the UN designated March 8as International Women's Day in 1975, the important role of women has been affirmed in all political, economic, and social fields. However, women...