Impressive Sapa in winter

Impressive Sapa in winter

(VOVWORLD) - Visiting the famous tourist destination in the north of Vietnam known as Sapa, in winter, you’ll have an opportunity to admire the majestic natural scenery and experience...
IMF cuts its global growth forecast for 2021

IMF cuts its global growth forecast for 2021

(VOVWORLD) - The International Monetary Fund said it expects global gross domestic product to grow by 5.9% this year, 0.1 percentage point lower than its July estimate. For next year...
NATO expels eight Russian diplomats

NATO expels eight Russian diplomats

(VOVWORLD) - NATO on Wednesday asked the Russian delegations to send home 8 members, alleging they were working as spies, the latest development in an increasingly frayed relationship between the Kremlin...
Zero-Dong shops comfort people in pandemic areas

Zero-Dong shops comfort people in pandemic areas

(VOVWORLD) - Many localities in Vietnam have imposed social distancing rules due to the COVID-19 pandemic. People in lockdown areas have been having a difficult time, but they are not forgotten by...
Wednesday August 4, 2021

Wednesday August 4, 2021

(VOVWORLD) - Tehreem Arish, a member of Pakistan’s Women’s DX Club, emailed us to say: “I’ve been listening to your programs for a long time with keen interest. Mostly I listen with my club...
Southeast Asia feels force of Delta variant

Southeast Asia feels force of Delta variant

(VOVWORLD) - Having escaped the worst when the coronavirus pandemic erupted last year, Southeast Asia is now suffering record rises in deaths and cases, while vaccination shortfalls and highly contagious variants have...
Russia to leave Open Skies Treaty

Russia to leave Open Skies Treaty

(VOVWORLD) - The Russian Foreign Ministry announced on Friday that the country will officially withdraw from the Treaty on Open Skies on Dec. 18 this year
Eel glass noodle recipe

Eel glass noodle recipe

(VOVWORLD) - Mien luon or eel glass noodle is quite popular to food lovers in Hanoi. Eel glass noodle is delicious and can be eaten at any time of the day because...
Sarapatel, mish-mash of pork offal

Sarapatel, mish-mash of pork offal

(VOVWORLD) - In today’s Food Delight, we will present a Brazilian dish called “Sarapatel” meaning mish-mash of pork offal. This is a dish of Portugese origin now commonly seen in...