“Phan Quang – friends and profession”

“Phan Quang – friends and profession”

(VOVworld) - The book, entitled “Phan Quang – friends and profession”, recounts stories about journalist Phan Quang, his life and career. It was published thanks to the efforts of journalist Trần Thanh...
Madame Pham Thi Thi

Madame Pham Thi Thi

(VOVworld) - I met her one morning in August, 2014. The weather in Hanoi was chilly because autumn had arrived. She was accompanied by a maid who reminded her whenever she forgot some details. No...
To Hoai, a great Vietnamese writer

To Hoai, a great Vietnamese writer

(VOVworld) – To Hoai was one of Vietnam’s greatest writers in the 20th century, particularly during the 1930-1945 period. One of his most famous works is “The Adventures of a Cricket”...
France, Italy oppose EU strict financial policy

France, Italy oppose EU strict financial policy

(VOVworld) – French President Francois Hollande and Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi on Tuesday voiced their protests against the EU’s strict budgetary policy, adding that it was impeding the...
Opportunity to sustain economic growth

Opportunity to sustain economic growth

(VOVworld)- At the 7th session of the 13th National Assembly, the deputies discussed the government’s socio-economic report for 2013 and the first four months of this year. They...
Vietnam-Cambodia relations

Vietnam-Cambodia relations

(VOVworld) – January 7th marks 35 years since Cambodia’s victory over the Khmer Rouge regime. The victory, largely thanks to the support of Vietnamese volunteer soldiers, liberated Cambodia from genocide....
National Day celebrated overseas

National Day celebrated overseas

(VOVworld)-The Vietnamese Embassy in the UK and Northern Ireland has hosted the 68th anniversary celebration of Vietnam’s National Day (September 2) and 40 years of diplomatic ties between...