German Foreign Minister visits Ho Chi Minh City

German Foreign Minister visits Ho Chi Minh City

(VOVworld) – Germany’s Minister for Foreign Affairs Frank-Walter Steinmeier has attended a ceremony of roofing the German House, which symbolizes the Vietnam-Germany strategic partnership
New ceasefire announced for eastern Ukraine

New ceasefire announced for eastern Ukraine

(VOVworld) - Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko announced on Wednesday that government forces will abide by a ceasefire agreement in eastern Ukraine, set to take effect Thursday and last for at least...
New crack in Russia-Ukraine relations

New crack in Russia-Ukraine relations

(VOVworld) – Russia had a row with Ukraine last week, after Moscow had accused Kiev of attempting attacks on Crimea to trigger a new conflict in the region. The row, the most...
World leaders’ opinions on Brexit

World leaders’ opinions on Brexit

(VOVworld) – After the UK voted to leave the EU or Brexit, US President Barack Obama said he respects the UK people’s decision and that both the UK and EU...
Germany, Cuba bolster bilateral cooperation

Germany, Cuba bolster bilateral cooperation

(VOVworld) - Germany and Cuba have showed their readiness to promote bilateral cooperation. The statement came after a meeting between German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier and visiting Cuban Foreign Minister...
Germany and France help Niger control migration

Germany and France help Niger control migration

(VOVworld) - On Tuesday German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier and French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault visited Niger, one of the main countries of transit for African migrants trying to...