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Wednesday September 1, 2021

Wednesday September 1, 2021

(VOVWORLD) - First of all, we’d like to thank you for your congratulations for Vietnam’s National Day, September 2 and VOV’s founding anniversary, September 7
Russia, Vietnam stable maritime partners

Russia, Vietnam stable maritime partners

(VOVWORLD) - Among Southeast Asian countries, Vietnam is the most stable partner of Russia in military technology and maritime, says Dr. Alexander Korolev, a senior Russian lecturer in politics and international...
Tra Su Cajeput Forest in An Giang

Tra Su Cajeput Forest in An Giang

(VOVWORLD) - Tra Su Cajeput Forest is located in Van Giao commune, Tinh Bien district in the Mekong Delta province of An Giang. It is a mangrove forest, typical of the...
US, China seek common ground

US, China seek common ground

(VOVWORLD) - One of this week’s major international diplomatic events was the two-day visit to China’s north-eastern port city of Tianjin by US Deputy Secretary of State Wendy...
Turkey: “Kanal Istanbul” project kicks off

Turkey: “Kanal Istanbul” project kicks off

(VOVWORLD) - Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan on Saturday launched a 15 billion USD canal project intended to relieve pressure on the busy Bosphorus Strait by laying the foundations of a bridge...
NATO adopts tougher stance on China

NATO adopts tougher stance on China

(VOVWORLD) - The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) held an in-person summit in Brussels on Monday attended by US President Joe Biden. NATO members released a joint statement highlighting China-related...
Da Nang tops ICT Index for 12th straight year

Da Nang tops ICT Index for 12th straight year

(VOVWORLD) - Da Nang city has maintained its leading position of readiness for information and communications technology (ICT) development and application, after topping the Vietnam ICT Index rankings for the 12th...
Sacred tree in Hue Imperial City

Sacred tree in Hue Imperial City

(VOVWORLD) - Ngo dong (Chinese parasol tree), is considered very rare. This type of tree has been propagated by the Hue Monuments Conservation Center
Is British humour often difficult to understand?

Is British humour often difficult to understand?

(VOVWORLD) - Humour is important in every country. But to truly understand a country’s humour, and how and why it is used, is not easy. Humour is an interesting aspect of British culture. Comedy can be very smart and witty...