Vietnam-Laos friendship shines eternally

Vietnam-Laos friendship shines eternally

(VOVWORLD) - 2019 marks the 70th Traditional Day of Vietnamese volunteer soldiers and military experts in Laos. 70 years ago, the Party and President Ho Chi Minh sent troops and experts to...
Wednesday August 28,2019

Wednesday August 28,2019

(VOVWORLD) - First on our show today, we’d like to thank our listeners around the world for greeting us on the occasion of Vietnam’s 74th National Day coming...
Not Dirt Cheap: Rare Earth Minerals and the Trade War

Not Dirt Cheap: Rare Earth Minerals and the Trade War

(VOVWORLD) - In the escalating trade war between the USA and China, ‘critical minerals’ and especially rare earth minerals (REM) have again become a prominent issue. This is because trace quantities of these...
Cape Town Minstrel Festival

Cape Town Minstrel Festival

(VOVWORLD) - The Cape Town Minstrel Carnival, also known as the Tweede Nuwe Jaar, or Second New Year, is a colorful parade in Cape Town, South Africa. It is as rich in history...
Canada asks China to release Canadian citizens

Canada asks China to release Canadian citizens

(VOVWORLD) - Canada on Thursday asked China to immediately release former Canadian diplomat Michael Kovrig and Canadian businessman Michael Spavor, who were formally arrested after being detained for months on national...
Wednesday January 30, 2019

Wednesday January 30, 2019

(VOVWORLD) - Vietnamese people are jubilantly preparing for Tet, the Lunar New Year celebration which will begin next Tuesday, February 5th
A classroom on Tri An hydropower reservoir

A classroom on Tri An hydropower reservoir

(VOVWORLD) - The children residing on a floating village on the Tri An hydropower reservoir, Dong Nai province, often don’t go to school on the mainland. Some years ago, a...