ASEAN boosts flora and fauna protection

ASEAN boosts flora and fauna protection

(VOVworld) – The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development organized a workshop on an ASEAN enforcement network to protect endangered flora and fauna in Hanoi on Tuesday
G7 seeks solutions to energy security

G7 seeks solutions to energy security

(VOVworld) - The G7 developed countries, including the UK, Germany, Italy, Canada, the US, France, and Japan, are discussing solutions to energy security at a 2-day meeting in Rome, Italy
North America Leaders’ Summit opens

North America Leaders’ Summit opens

VOVworld) – The 7th North America Leaders’ Summit opened in Toluca, Mexico, on Thursday attended by Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto, US President Barack Obama, and Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper
VOV’s role in the Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union

VOV’s role in the Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union

(VOVworld) – RadioAsia 2013 under the theme “Radio and social media - Where to next” opened in Hanoi on Monday. Hosted by the Voice of Vietnam (VOV), the conference will tackle current pressing issues...
Activities marking 88th Vietnam Revolutionary Press Day

Activities marking 88th Vietnam Revolutionary Press Day

(VOVworld) – June 21st marks the 88th anniversary of Vietnam’s Revolutionary Press Day. Over the last 88 years, Vietnamese revolutionary journalists have grown significantly and continuously contributed to national development. On this...