Vietnam joins international efforts in mine action

Vietnam joins international efforts in mine action

(VOVWORLD) - Vietnam convened on Thursday an online Ministerial Meeting themed “Addressing mine and bomb consequences and maintaining sustainable peace – Strengthening connectivity for more effective action”. The meeting is in response...
Party members in Dak Nong involve in poverty reduction

Party members in Dak Nong involve in poverty reduction

(VOVWORLD) - In response to Politburo Directive No.5 on strengthening national unity and building the Party and political system following President Ho Chi Minh’s moral example, Dak Song district’s Party Committee...
NATO highlights goals of fairer burden sharing

NATO highlights goals of fairer burden sharing

(VOVWORLD) - NATO Defence Ministers began their 2 day virtual meeting on Wednesday to discuss the NATO 2030 initiative, which aims at making the transatlantic Alliance fit for the future. Member states...
EMA prepares guidance to tackle COVID-19 variants

EMA prepares guidance to tackle COVID-19 variants

(VOVWORLD) - The European Medicines Agency (EMA) on Wednesday requested that developers determine if their COVID-19 vaccines protect against new virus mutations that have been identified in the United Kingdom, South...
America under Joe Biden’s administration

America under Joe Biden’s administration

(VOVWORLD) - President-elect Joe Biden will take the oath of office on Wednesday, marking an important change in America’s governance and its domestic and external policies
Global effort to cope with climate change

Global effort to cope with climate change

(VOVWORLD) - 2020 is coming to an end. It’s time to review climate change data. Climate change is threatening the global ecosystem and life in every corner of the world


Highlights: - Vietnamese-speaking foreigners who reach millions with their YouTube videos - The trending winter hair colors for 2020 - Tips to tackle sedentary behavior at the workplace