Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

A: To He, or toy figurine, is a traditional toy that Vietnamese children are exceedingly fond of. Dating back to the 17th century, To He are made of glutinous rice powder...
Chu-ru group in the Central Highlands

Chu-ru group in the Central Highlands

(VOVworld) – The Chu-ru are one of several indigenous groups living in Vietnam’s Central Highlands. They have developed and continued to maintain unique customs, festivals, folk arts, and cultural...
Love and marriage in Vietnam’s history and customs

Love and marriage in Vietnam’s history and customs

(VOVworld) - Over years, the Vietnamese concepts of love and marriage have evolved. Nowadays, single mothers, cohabitation, same-sex marriage, and sex before marriage are becoming more accepted. Males and females are...
H’re folk singing

H’re folk singing

(VOVworld) – The H’re love singing. They sing anywhere and anytime: at work, in leisure time, and at festivals. They have developed unique and diverse singing genres, typically Kaleu and...
Syria serious about peace talks in Astana

Syria serious about peace talks in Astana

(VOVworld) - Syria's Prime Minister Imad Khamis said Sunday that his government is serious about the imminent Syrian talks in Astana, insisting that Damascus welcomes any initiative to restore peace...
Association of Kieu Studies holds 2nd Congress

Association of Kieu Studies holds 2nd Congress

(VOVworld) – The Association of Kieu Studies convened its 2nd Congress on Friday attended by 250 members. Established in 2011, the Association of Kieu Studies has promoted the value of the Tale...
Wednesday December 14, 2016

Wednesday December 14, 2016

(VOVworld) - A: We’re so excited to welcome a new listener to VOV’s DX’ing community: Tom Beaton of the US
UN proposes new political roadmap for Yemen

UN proposes new political roadmap for Yemen

(VOVworld) - The United Nation Special envoy for Yemen, Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed, on Tuesday urged related parties to conclude a written political roadmap for resolving the conflict in Yemen
Vietnamese film screened at Busan film festival

Vietnamese film screened at Busan film festival

(VOVworld)- Director Ngo Thanh Van has brought her most recent film “Tam Cam: The Untold Story” to the 21st Busan International Film Festival (BIFF), which runs between October 6 and...