H’re customs and belief

H’re customs and belief

(VOVworld) – The H’re grow wet rice and other crops on terraced fields. Their religious practices are associated with rice. The H’re believe all things are administered by genies and they pray...
Beliefs of the Kho Mu

Beliefs of the Kho Mu

(VOVworld) – The Kho Mu practice many rituals and ceremonies each year: worship of the hamlet’s genie and ancestors and festivals to welcome new crops and the Rice Mother. The...
Firewood stove of the Kho Mu

Firewood stove of the Kho Mu

(VOVworld) – The Kho Mu live close to nature and cultivate crops on terraced fields. They worship the Genie of Fire who generates life and prosperity. To Tuan introduces the firewood...
The Kho Mu group

The Kho Mu group

(VOVworld) – The Kho Mu live in Vietnam’s northern mountain region together with other ethnic minority groups. Today’s “Colorful Vietnam, Vietnam’s 54 ethnic groups” segment begins a series...
Adaptation of shrimp farming to climate change

Adaptation of shrimp farming to climate change

(VOVworld) - The Mekong Delta is Vietnam’s largest shrimp farming area, accounting for 94% of the total raising area and 81% of the shrimp production. Currently, the region’s aquaculture...
Charity tourism shares humanity values

Charity tourism shares humanity values

(VOVworld) – Charity tourism has become more popular for its social and humanity significance. Tourists join a journey to refresh themselves after work and find the true values of life. Dieu...
Tourism development to contribute more to GDP growth

Tourism development to contribute more to GDP growth

(VOVworld) – According to the project to make tourism a spearhead economic sector, Vietnamese tourism will have a uniform technical infrastructure by 2020. Tourism products will be high-quality and able to...
The Mu Cang Chai terraced field festival 2016

The Mu Cang Chai terraced field festival 2016

(VOVworld) - The Mu Cang Chai terraced field festival 2016 opened on September 18, in Yen Bai province, offering visitors a wide range of activities like art performances, kite flying,...
Muong Lo Culture and Tourism Festival opens

Muong Lo Culture and Tourism Festival opens

(VOVworld) – The Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism in coordination with Yen Bai provincial People’s Committee opened the Muong Lo Culture and Tourism Festival 2016 in Saturday night in...
Dual cultural festivals in northwest region

Dual cultural festivals in northwest region

(VOVworld)- Dual cultural festivals will land the northwest region in September 2016, according to the provincial People’s Committee of Yen Bai at a meeting in the locality on August...
Wedding custom of the Nung

Wedding custom of the Nung

(VOVworld) - In the past a Nung marriage was arranged by the parents. Over the years, some of their backward customs have evolved and now Nung adolescents are allowed to date...