Memories of an announcer

Memories of an announcer

(VOVworld) – This is the Voice of Vietnam, broadcasting from Hanoi, capital of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. This announcement against a background of the song Smashing Fascism has opened numerous...
Lên Đồng or “Going into a trance” Ritual

Lên Đồng or “Going into a trance” Ritual

(VOVworld) – Worshipping the Mother Goddess – Mother of the Universe - has been a time-honoured spiritual practice in Vietnam since prehistoric times. The ancient Vietnam people initiated the practice of communicating with the...
Safe water – a goal of new rural development

Safe water – a goal of new rural development

(VOVworld) - Tap water is taken for granted by city dwellers, but in rural areas most people still use either well or rain water. People in Song Phuong commune, a farming village on the...