Vietnamese life in the 1990s

Vietnamese life in the 1990s

(VOVworld)) -During his trans-Viet tour in 1992, talented French journalist and director Raymond Depardon captured the essence of Vietnamese people and their environment in a series of evocative images
Đồng dao – children’s folk songs

Đồng dao – children’s folk songs

(VOVworld) - Đồng dao – children’s folk songs – are simple folk verses created long ago by unknown authors and passed orally from generation to generation. The lyrics are plain, often incoherent or illogical verses...
Romantic Hoi An on full moon night

Romantic Hoi An on full moon night

(VOVworld) – All houses, street corners and trees in the ancient town of Hoi An sparkle with the light from thousands of lanterns at night. Let’s discover the beauty of...
Hanoi joyful celebrates Christmas

Hanoi joyful celebrates Christmas

(VOVworld) – The cheerful atmosphere of Christmas is overwhelming the capital city of Hanoi. Christmas carols echo from churches and twinkling lights illuminate main streets and shopping centers. Here’s a...
19 September 2012

19 September 2012

Last week, we received dozens of letters and emails but the one from William Patalon III from the USA impressed us the most. We must say that he’s already made...