Internaltional Children’s Day celebrated

Internaltional Children’s Day celebrated

(VOVworld) - The Vietnam Museum of Ethnology organized a “Traditional South-East Asian games” festival on Saturday and Sunday to celebrate International Children’s Day
Prospect for M-commerce in Vietnam

Prospect for M-commerce in Vietnam

(VOVworld) - Mobile electronic commerce or m-commerce is soon set to take off in Vietnam thanks to the increasing number of mobile phones and rapid internet development, experts have predicted. According...
Vietnam, Germany boost trade, investment

Vietnam, Germany boost trade, investment

(VOVworld) - 50 German and overseas Vietnamese businesspeople expressed interest in Vietnam’s investment climate now that Vietnam has signed several important free trade agreements like the Trans-Pacific Partnership and...
Volunteer Fire Brigade – Germany’s pride

Volunteer Fire Brigade – Germany’s pride

(VOVworld) - Many big German cities are protected by volunteer fire brigades as well as by professional fire fighters. Under German law, every small town or village must have a volunteer fire brigade to...
Joyous local Mid-Autumn celebrations

Joyous local Mid-Autumn celebrations

(VOVworld) – The Mid-Autumn festival was jubilantly celebrated at various places around Hanoi. Cultural activities at historic sites in Hanoi’s Old quarter attracted crowds of visitors, particularly children. Artisans from handicraft...
Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

A: We’d like to welcome back to our broadcasts Mr. James Camilli of the US. In a letter to VOV this week, James wrote: “I’m a long listener...
Making paper masks for Mid-autumn festival

Making paper masks for Mid-autumn festival

(VOVworld) – “Making paper masks, enjoying the Mid-Autumn Festival” is a project run by painter Trang Thanh Hien and students of the Vietnam University of Fine Arts. They have instructed...
Wednesday August 26, 2015

Wednesday August 26, 2015

(VOVworld) - I’m reading an interesting letter from 61-year-old Lauri Niemi of Finland. He lives in a Helsinki surburb called Laajasalo, which actually is an island in the Gulf of Finland. “This is a...
Ready for 2015-2016 academic year

Ready for 2015-2016 academic year

(VOVworld) – A new academic year will begin in two weeks when some 22 million students nationwide will attend ceremonies on the same day. Preparation of training schedules, teaching aids, and...
Wednesday June 24, 2015

Wednesday June 24, 2015

(VOVworld) - The deadline for VOV’s contest “What do you know about Vietnam?” is drawing near. The number of entries received by our office in recent days has been higher...
Pedestrian streets & Night market in Hanoi

Pedestrian streets & Night market in Hanoi

(VOVworld) - As the oldest continuously developed area of Vietnam, Hanoi's Old Quarter has a history that spans 2,000 years and represents the eternal soul of the city. Located between Sword Lake, the...
Mid-Autumn traditional toys

Mid-Autumn traditional toys

(VOVworld)- The full moon of the 8th lunar month is observed as the Mid-Autumn festival, the children’s festival. For children, this is one of the most exciting festivals at...
Giving lucky money during Tet - Li xi custom

Giving lucky money during Tet - Li xi custom

(VOVworld) - The Lunar New Year festival (Tet) is a typical cultural feature of most Asian countries, including Vietnam. This is Vietnam’s biggest holiday, associated with a range of traditions and customs...