US-China trade war escalates

US-China trade war escalates

(VOVWORLD) - The Chinese Ministry of Commerce announced a 25 percent tariffs on 16 billion USD worth of US goods as of August 23. China's announcement comes after the US....
Pillow-shaped cake stuffed with Aussie beef filling

Pillow-shaped cake stuffed with Aussie beef filling

(VOVWORLD) - Taste of Australia, the annual celebration in Vietnam of Australian food, beverages, and culture is back this month. The program includes, among other activities, the Taste of Australia Culinary...
The Tale of Kieu featured in new suite

The Tale of Kieu featured in new suite

(VOVWORLD) - Music Professor Dang Ngoc Long has a long association with Vietnamese music. He is the person who popularized Vietnamese music including Nghe Tinh and Quan Ho folk songs in...
Australian sense of humour

Australian sense of humour

(VOVWORLD) - A sense of humour has always played an important role in human life. As the world developed, man’s sense of humour developed itself in different ways in different culture....
Ex Market in Hanoi

Ex Market in Hanoi

(VOVWORLD) - Breakups are difficult and sometimes feel like the end of the world. For many people, nothing starts the healing process faster than immediately getting rid of all ex-related items. But rather than tossing...
Myanmar air force crash: black box found

Myanmar air force crash: black box found

(VOVWORLD) - The black box of the Myanmar air force plane that crashed in the Andaman Sea was found on Sunday, raising hopes of discovering the cause of the tragedy

Vietnam promotes timber export to EU

(VOVWORLD) - The EU and Vietnam concluded negotiations on a Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA) on Forest Law Enforcement, Governance, and Trade (FLEGT) on Tuesday
Brexit: EC President accepts EU’s mistakes

Brexit: EC President accepts EU’s mistakes

(VOVWORLD) - European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker Friday described Brexit as a “tragedy” that had happened partly as a result of the European Union’s past mistakes