US sanctions on Iran: double-edged sword

US sanctions on Iran: double-edged sword

(VOVWORLD) - 6 months after re-imposing sanctions on Iran’s crude oil, US President Donald Trump on Monday took a stronger step by ending exemptions from sanctions for 8 countries still buying oil from Iran,...
Community joins hands to support autistic children

Community joins hands to support autistic children

(VOVWORLD) - Vietnam has about 200,000 people suffering from autism spectrum disorder and the number is rising, according to the Ministryof Labor, Invalids, and Social Affairs. One of every 100 children...
“Theatre of the Absurd” comes to Vietnam

“Theatre of the Absurd” comes to Vietnam

(VOVWORLD) - LucTeam, established in late 2017, and led by director Tran Luc, made a bold move through early this year in staging “The Bald Soprano”, a Theatre of the Absurd...
US Institute helps build Vietnam-US literary bridge

US Institute helps build Vietnam-US literary bridge

(VOVWORLD) - The William Joiner Institute of the University of Massachusetts has done a lot to promote Vietnamese literature to the world. The Institute specializes in the study of war and its consequences. Since...
German traditional wedding customs

German traditional wedding customs

(VOVWORLD) - In many cultures all over the world, wedding ceremonies go hand in hand with special traditions and superstitions. Today we’ll talk to Josephine Struckmeier, a German student working...
Vietnam, RoK cement cooperation in applied physics

Vietnam, RoK cement cooperation in applied physics

(VOVWORLD) - Vietnam and the Republic of Korea (RoK) will foster cooperation in applied physics and materials science, according to the ongoing Vietnam-RoK International Symposium on Applied Physics (V-KISAP)...
Vietnam makes strides in organ transplants

Vietnam makes strides in organ transplants

(VOVWORLD) - Since the first transplant surgery took place in 1992, Vietnam has made significant improvement in transplant techniques. In recent years, technically, Vietnam’s kidney transplants have approached world level