Factors of agricultural and rural development

Factors of agricultural and rural development

(VOVWORLD) - The movement to involve farmers in shared production and trading and unite to help each other reduce poverty was launched in 1989. After 33 years of implementation, it has become...
A one-day budget guide to Hoi An

A one-day budget guide to Hoi An

(VOVWORLD) - Declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1999 as “an exceptionally well-preserved example of a South-East Asian trading port from the 15th to the 19th century,” Hoi An, where the...
Albania severs diplomatic ties with Iran

Albania severs diplomatic ties with Iran

(VOVWORLD) -Prime Minister Edi Rama announced on Wednesday that Albania has decided to sever diplomatic relations with Iran after Albanian officials had accused Tehran of carrying out the July 15...
Biden likely to meet Xi at G20 summit

Biden likely to meet Xi at G20 summit

(VOVWORLD) - US President Joe Biden on Tuesday left open the possibility of meeting Chinese President Xi Jinping in November if the Chinese leader attends the summit in Bali, Indonesia. "If he's...
Japan opens up to Vietnamese tourists

Japan opens up to Vietnamese tourists

(VOVWORLD) - Japan has decided to welcome the return of Vietnamese visitors from Wednesday, according to information given by Japanese Ambassador to Vietnam Yamada Takio
Things about Ghana

Things about Ghana

(VOVWORLD) - Ghana is one of 54 countries in the African continent. Today, we invite Ernesto Obeng Quarshie, an English teacher from Ghana who has been living in Vietnam for 6 years...
Wednesday August 17, 2022

Wednesday August 17, 2022

(VOVWORLD) -First, we’d like to welcome back Kevin Ryan of the UK to VOV. In his recent correspondence to VOV, Kevin wrote: “I've repaired my shortwave antenna and found your English program....
Russia begins delivering extra gas to Hungary

Russia begins delivering extra gas to Hungary

(VOVWORLD) - Hungary said Saturday that Russia has started delivering additional gas to the EU member. Hungary's Foreign Ministry said trade negotiations with Moscow led to an agreement under which...