Conservative Party unveils process for choosing the UK’s next leader

(VOVWORLD) - Britain's Conservative Party will elect its new leader, who will be prime minister of the UK, next week as Prime Minister Liz Truss stepped down on Thursday after 45 days of a chaotic tenure in power.
Conservative Party unveils process for choosing the UK’s next leader - ảnh 1Graham Brady, a member of the Conservative Party and Chairman of the 1922 Committee, speaks in London on October 20, 2022. (Photo: AFP/VNA)

Graham Brady, the Conservative official responsible for the process, said the candidates to replace Truss will need to get at least 100 nominations from the party’s MPs. The requirement is much higher than those set for last summer’s race to select the party leadership that Truss won, when candidates needed the support of only 20 MPs to run. With a total of 357 Conservative MPs, there will be a maximum of three candidates.

Brady said if only one candidate passes that threshold on Monday, they will automatically become prime minister.

If a single candidate is not decided on, the rank and file will then have their say in an online ballot over the course of next week. The final result will be known on October 28.

Arriving in Brussels on Thursday to attend the European Union Summit, French President Emmanuel Macron and Irish Prime Minister Michael Martin said they hope that the next leader of the UK will help stabilize the country.

US President Joe Biden pledged to continue working closely with the UK in response to global challenges, following the resignation of Prime Minister Liz Truss.

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