Hanoi, a bright spot in foreign investment

Hanoi, a bright spot in foreign investment

(VOVWORLD) -Hanoi is one of the top 10 localities in Vietnam in attracting foreign direct investment (FDI), thanks to its open investment environment, political stability, developed infrastructure, and abundant, high...
Hanoi Logistics Association established

Hanoi Logistics Association established

(VOVWORLD) -On Saturday, the Hanoi Logistics Association held the first congress for the term 2022-2025. Tran Duc Nghia, General Director of Delta International Company Limited, was elected Chairman of...
Musical instruments indispensable for Xoe dance

Musical instruments indispensable for Xoe dance

(VOVWORLD) - Xoe dance is a unique art form in the cultural and religious life of the Thai ethnic minority in the northwestern region of Vietnam. Music is a fundamental element in creating an ecstatic, joyous...
Ambassador jointly chairs UNGA 77 opening

Ambassador jointly chairs UNGA 77 opening

(VOVWORLD) - The 77th session of the UN General Assembly (UNGA 77) was officially launched in New York on Tuesday, with Ambassador Dang Hoang Giang, Permanent Representative of Vietnam to the UN...
Circular economy promoted in Vietnam

Circular economy promoted in Vietnam

(VOVWORLD) - A circular economy is an economic model in which all activities from design to production to service are directed towards the reuse of materials and the elimination of negative impacts...