President sends welcoming remarks to AIPA-42

President sends welcoming remarks to AIPA-42

(VOVWORLD) - ASEAN needs to show its unity, cohesion and resilience of a Community to conquer all challenges and move forwards, President Nguyen XuanPhuc said in his welcoming message sent to the 42nd...
Vietnamese NA Vice Chairwoman participates in 141st IPU

Vietnamese NA Vice Chairwoman participates in 141st IPU

(VOVWORLD) - The Vietnamese National Assembly always supports the completion of the legal framework, the enhancement of execution oversight, and participation in parliamentary diplomacy activities to increase information sharing and experience
Government resolved to curb inflation

Government resolved to curb inflation

(VOVWORLD) -The Government will cap inflation at 4% as targeted by the National Assembly, Prime Minister Nguyen XuanPhuc told the monthly cabinet meeting for July in Hanoi on Tuesday
Youth Union Congress opens in Czech

Youth Union Congress opens in Czech

(VOVworld) – Ho Chi Minh Youth Union in the Czech Republic has convened its congress to discuss initiatives to boost youth movements among students and postgraduates in the host country