Life on Hanoi's floating guesthouse

Life on Hanoi's floating guesthouse

(VOVWORLD) - A boat on the Red River has become an ideal guesthouse for dozens of manual workers who try to save on their modest incomes in Hanoi. The boat which...
List of largest Vietnamese firms in 2020 released

List of largest Vietnamese firms in 2020 released

(VOVWORLD) - Samsung Vietnam, Vietnam Electricity (EVN), and Vietnam Oil and Gas Group (PetroVietnam) are the top three largest firms in Vietnam this year, according to the latest ranking co-released by Vietnam...
Saigon bank among largest businesses of Vietnam

Saigon bank among largest businesses of Vietnam

(VOVworld)- The Saigon Commercial Bank (SCB) was named among the nine largest private enterprises and 44 leading businesses of Vietnam, announced the Vietnam Report and Vietnamnet online newpaper in Hanoi
Vietnam values cooperation with the EU

Vietnam values cooperation with the EU

(VOVworld) – Head of the National Assembly’s External Relations Committee Tran Van Hang said Vietnam values cooperation with the EU while speaking at a reception for EU ambassador to ASEAN Francisco Fontan Pardo...
Vietnam, EU strengthen partnership

Vietnam, EU strengthen partnership

(VOVworld) – Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh hosted a reception on Tuesday for the new ambassador and head of the EU delegation to Vietnam Bruno Angelet. Minh asked the ambassador...
EU, Vietnam toward stronger relationship

EU, Vietnam toward stronger relationship

(VOVworld) – The new ambassador and head of the EU delegation to Vietnam Bruno Angelet said on Wednesday that the EU and Vietnam are moving toward a stronger relationship. He said that...
VFF President visits VietNamNet online newspaper

VFF President visits VietNamNet online newspaper

(VOVworld) – President of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Nguyen Thien Nhan has visited and congratulated staff members of the VietNamNet online newspaper on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of...
Vietnam wants strengthened cooperation with the EU

Vietnam wants strengthened cooperation with the EU

(VOVworld) – Deputy Foreign Minister Bui Thanh Son told ambassadors and charges d’affairs of EU countries at a meeting in Hanoi on Tuesday that Vietnam wants to strengthen cooperation with the EU to...
Prime Minister leaves for European tour

Prime Minister leaves for European tour

(VOVworld) – Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung left Hanoi on Sunday for a European tour of Belgium, the EU, and Germany, to attend the 10th ASEM Summit in Italy and to...
Vietnam, EU to quickly complete FTA negotiations

Vietnam, EU to quickly complete FTA negotiations

(VOVworld) – Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh held talks with Catherine Ashton, Vice President of the European Commission and High Representative of the European Union for Foreign...
Unable to claim sovereignty without legal basis

Unable to claim sovereignty without legal basis

(VOVworld) – In the previous edition, we talked about sovereignty over Hoang Sa and Truong Sa under international law, previous territorial disputes and resolutions around the world, and Vietnam’s irrefutable historical and legal evidence of its...
Progress in Vietnam-EU FTA negotiations

Progress in Vietnam-EU FTA negotiations

(VOVworld) - Vietnam and the European Union conducted the sixth round of free trade agreement negotiations in Brussels from January 13-17 and planned to end bilateral talks in September