US vows regular patrol in East Sea

US vows regular patrol in East Sea

(VOVWORLD) - US Air Force Chief of Staff, General David Goldfein, vowed to reporters last week that there will be no let up in the US’s willingness or ability to...
Vietnam aims best results in SEA Games 2019

Vietnam aims best results in SEA Games 2019

(VOVWORLD) - Vietnamese athletes vow to try to earn their best results in the Southeast Asian Games (SEA Games) later this year and ASEAN Para Games in the Philippines, Deputy Head...
PM vows to intensify graft crackdown

PM vows to intensify graft crackdown

(VOVWORLD) - Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc has pledged tougher actions against corrupted officials during a meeting with voters in the northern port city of Hai Phong on Sunday
Vietnam vows to cooperate closely with ASEAN

Vietnam vows to cooperate closely with ASEAN

(VOVWORLD) - Vietnam supports and will work closely with other ASEAN member countries to implement the priorities set for 2019, towards building a sustainable, cohesive and adaptable ASEAN, said Deputy Foreign...
Quang Ninh vows to maintain top spot in PCI ranking

Quang Ninh vows to maintain top spot in PCI ranking

(VOVWORLD) - The northen border province of Quang Ninh is considered a role model in improving the business environment to increase competitiveness, according to a Monday meeting in Quang Ninh on the Provincial...
Washington makes risky move

Washington makes risky move

(VOVWORLD) - Washington on Wednesday announced the reactivation of Title III of the Helms-Burton Act, which allows Americans to sue foreign companies and individuals over property nationalized by the 1959 Revolution in Cuba. The...
ASEAN vows to narrow development gap

ASEAN vows to narrow development gap

(VOVWORLD) - Vietnamese Ambassador Dang Dinh Quy reiterated ASEAN’s commitment to narrowing development gaps between its members at the 57th session of the Commission for Social Development of the UN Economic and...
Vietnam vows best conditions for Google

Vietnam vows best conditions for Google

(VOVWORLD) - Vietnam always creates favourable conditions for foreign businesses like Google, said Nguyen Van Binh, head of the Party Central Committee’s Economic Commission at a reception in Hanoi on Monday...