Unique wedding procedures of the Ede  ​

Unique wedding procedures of the Ede ​

(VOVWORLD) - The Ede people are matriarchal so weddings are normally initiated by women. The bride's family is responsible for preparing betrothal gifts, and the groom's family has the privilege of...
VOV wins A Prize at Dien Hong Award

VOV wins A Prize at Dien Hong Award

(VOVWORLD) - 79 journalistic works were given the Dien Hong Award, a press award of the National Assembly and People's Council, at a ceremony in Hanoi on Friday. The series "Increasing decentralization, giving trust...
Wednesday January 3, 2023

Wednesday January 3, 2023

(VOVWORLD) - For this first Letter Box of the New Year, we send you all warm wishes for a Happy New Year filled with love and joy and thank you for...
2024: A year to restore trust and inspire hope

2024: A year to restore trust and inspire hope

(VOVWORLD) - In their New Year messages, world leaders emphasized the urgency of countries and communities reviving hope and trust in each other, sharing the world in stability and development, and...
Wednesday December 20, 2023

Wednesday December 20, 2023

(VOVWORLD) - Last week VOVWorld received more than 450 emails and letters from listeners in 34 countries and territories. In addition to reception reports, we received lots of Christmas greetings from...
Young people confirm vanguard role in new era

Young people confirm vanguard role in new era

(VOVWORLD) - Nearly 700 delegates are attending the 11th National Congress of the Vietnamese Students Association in Hanoi from December 18-20. They expressed their aspiration to contribute to national development...